Journaling=The Hearts Outlet

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There are many people out there writing blog posts about how beneficial writing in a journal can be, and honestly I never agreed with them…

Until I learned something.

Many people put a lot of emphasis how it helps you remember events or feelings in your life. Or how it will might be passed down to your children or grandchildren, but what they tend to skip over is the importance it is in the moment- to yourself.

  • The story of how I came to receive my companion- my journal:

The Christmas my Dad lost his job he had worked at for twenty years was to say the least hard. Because I live in my parents home and my main “Job” is helping my mom who has MS, this loss was felt by all of us. It effected us financially as well as emotionally, and there were many times when I felt lost in the thoughts of “what do we do now”. I experience sadness, feelings of loneliness, and a deep need to express what I was thinking.

It was into this storm that a special basket came into our lives. In this basket contained not only gift cards and food items to help ease our financial burden, but also a small journal.

As I looked through the basket with my parents, I began sense that that journal was sent by some caring person who knew how important it is to have a place to pour out ones emotions and thoughts.

Now, don’t get me wrong. I have many friends and my relationship with my Savior is very precious, so I was not completely alone. But for the emotional outbreaks, the frustrations, and the many other things that are hard to express verbally, I struggled to find an outlet. I would pray and it helped, but it would never allow me time to really digest what I was feeling.

Pic For Post on Journaling

Writing in my journal soon became my listening ear. An ear that would hear everything, even the things that no one would ever know.

  • My secrets are safe with my journal.

When we struggle, whether it is with our Sensory Processing Disorder, our emotions, our health, or our relationships, it is so important to find a safe outlet. Keeping a journal gave me a place to express what I could never share to the world, or even to those close to me.

 Journaling has helped me express what I couldn’t keep inside.

I also know that God is always there reading over my shoulder and healing my heart as I express what I keep bottled up within my heart.


How about you? Have you found something else that is more helpful as an outlet? Then rejoice, because that is something precious!

If you don’t, I would encourage you to go to a store and pick out a journal. Any journal that touches your heart will do. Remember, it doesn’t have to be expensive to be special.

Don’t worry about what to write or how well you write either. Whatever you would love to share with a very, very special someone is exactly what you should write in that journal. Don’t be afraid!

Also, please comment below to let me know how this blog helped you. It doesn’t have to be long or complicated. Just a simple smiley face would be enough.

God bless you and thank you for reading.

4 thoughts on “Journaling=The Hearts Outlet

  1. I journal. Both on line in my blog to a degree and privately. I process life out loud and have found that inviting others into my angst has been a great way to gain insight. Glad it is a source of encouragement for you as well. DM


  2. Great blog post! This is a topic near and dear to my heart. I’ve used various tools to journal over the years, currently use a combination of blogging, private journal, and attending a small church group where I can also process life out loud w/ a few other people whom I trust and respect. I have discovered I process life out helps me to get it out, (and believe it or not) even in a public forum like my blog, people from all different persuasions and world views have been used by God to help me stay encouraged and get my bearings. DM


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